1961 Winter Baby Grand- Cleaning soundboard

jstuart1 jstuart1@pdq.net
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 03:01:49 -0500


Thanks very much for your comments and suggestions. They will help me a great

Yesterday my husband and I spent the morning dissassembling an old Milton
upright. This piano was definitly a learning experience. The whole left side had
come unglued from the back and someone had put corner brackets on to try to hold
it in place. You could see where they had also pounded and stapled 2 of the back
support posts back in as well. It was quite interesting to take this piano
appart. I  saved the parts which might prove usefull some day. We are trying to
decide what to do with the harp now. Amazingly the harp is not cracked anywhere.
Is it possible to use a harp from an old upright in another of the same size but
different manufacturers? Is it worth storing until such a piano comes along? The
rest of the cabinet will just be burned.

Now if I can just find a spinet under 300.00 I will have one of each of the most
common action types to learn on. I don't have a bird cage action but really
don't want one either.


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