prices for tuning in your country?

Ryan sowers
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 09:40:21 -0700

$1000 for 250sq feet! My goodness! That puts things into perspective,Mikito! 
Here in Olympia, Washinton our 1200 sq ft house rents for $825. Since I 
drive a Geo Metro I spend about $60 a month on gas.

I noticed that there is a different fee for grands than uprights. Why is 
this so? Do you typically do more service to the grands? I find that 
uprights are somewhat more difficult to tune than grands. Does anybody else 
have different prices for grands and uprights?

Ryan Sowers, RPT
Puget Sound Chapter, #985
Olympia, WA

>From: "Mikito HAYASHI" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: prices for tuning in your country?
>Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 11:38:57 +0900
>Hi Gregor, and everybody,
>I'm also new here. I joined yesterday and enjoying very much.
> > i think itīs a great idea to change know-how all
> > over the world.
>Yes, indeed! I know only about Japan. I'm very curious about how is it in
>other country. I spent wonderful times in Reno convention this month (my
>first visit to US!), and I want to know more and more!
>I am a Japanese technician living in Tokyo. I'm 29 y-o, not married, self
>employee. And I'm under contract to local Yamaha dealer.
>My (and dealer's) price is about $130 for vertical, $150 for grand.
>I receive about 60% of that from the dealer.
>I found it is relatively expensive than other areas, but yeah! Ryan, you're
>right. Cost of living is an important factor in comparing income.
>The rent in Tokyo is extraordinery expensive even than Manhattan or 
>valley, so it is difficult to live.  The apartment of only 250sq. ft. costs
>$1,000, car pool is about $400 a month! But fortunately, sales tax is only
>5% here and income tax is almost free because I'm poor :-).

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