alternate way to post pictures

Carol R. Beigel
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 13:58:37 -0400

Dear List:

I have not kept up to speed on this list for a few weeks, so forgive me if
this matter has already been discussed.  We used to post photos we wanted
people to see on an Xdrive account.  That was great; in fact so good I even
opened one myself.  However, Xdrive Express has discontinued their free
service in favor of one called Xdrive Plus that costs $4.95 a month, but has
no advertising.  Can't say I blame Xdrive.  However, all those photos that
used to be there are not longer available unless whoever subscribed to the
new service and moved them.

This brings me to seeking other free alternatives unless the PTG wants to
pay for an XdrivePlus account.  Actually that would not break my heart.  I
am suggesting, if no one has found a better alternative, that we set up a
Yahoo Group at called Pianotechgroup.  It comes with
30meg free space - more than enough to post losts of photos.  We could also
store other kinds of files, take polls, etc.  The Disklavier Users Group
uses this service, and we have a file vault of software programs and MIDI

We can set the group up as a public group, list the group in the public
directory, allow anyone to join and anyone to upload files. It can be
unmoderated.  If there is trouble, we can always change any of the above

What do you think?

Carol Beigel
Greenbelt, Maryland

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