CA glue

Susan Kline
Tue, 31 Jul 2001 12:26:14 -0700

At 12:49 PM 07/31/2001 -0600, Don wrote:
>Hi Gregor,
>CA glue Cynoacrylic glue sometimes called crazy glue. This *patch* works
>very well on old clunkers. I have used as much as ten ounces on a single
>upright piano (one of very dubious quality)

Always, always, ALWAYS use lots of ventilation (fresh air) when using more
than a few drops of CA glue. As it cures it releases cyanide.

Gregor, I discovered a little trick about using CA glue along with a 
glue ... I wrote it up in the Journal in October, 1997. For awhile Rob Kiddell
had the article on his website, but I can't get the link to work now. I'll
email you the text.

I believe that CA glue is available in Europe, but I'm not sure what name
is used for it.


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