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Tom Cole
Tue, 05 Jun 2001 22:07:10 -0700

pianolover 88 wrote:
> On a lighter note, If a customer failed to show up for a tuning
> appointment, would you charge her mileage to make a second trip? I
> did.
> Terry Peterson
> Precision Piano Service
> Torrance, CA


You say you charged for the mileage but not for the time lost (or
spent)? You've just lost a tuning charge (let's call it $100) and now
you're going to nick 'em for five or ten bucks? I know that gas prices
are going up. So what do you charge for mileage?

Everyone's policy is different, no right or wrong about it. The main
thing is that the customer knows in advance what you charge for, whether
there is a missed appointment fee, mileage, whatever.

Now, if the customer was in the _Valley_ and I had to drive the 405 in
stop-and-go traffic, yeah, I'd charge them plenty. El Segundo, no, I'd
let 'em slide.


Tom Cole
formerly of The Valley

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