The bottom line versus integrity

Ron Overs
Fri, 8 Jun 2001 23:31:22 +1000

Kevin, Ed and list,

Kevin wrote:

>  >The price on my integrity is so high, that I'll probably die and be buried
>  > in a paupers grave like Mozart. The blame belongs to my parents who
>  > taught me right from wrong.

Ed Foote responded:

>Anybody can starve to death on principle, that is the easy way (though a
>bit rocky there at the end).  The trick is to learn how to make an ethical
>position be worth something.  I have known wealthy crooks and starving
>saints, and there is certainly a way to thread a moderate path between the
>two without compromising one's integrity.  We should all be able to profit
>from one another's experience in this field, it just takes a little

Very nicely put Ed. It's often hard finding the moderate path that 
you mention. But I too feel it may well be the most rewarding. With 
respect to Kevin's position, I feel one should also show a level of 
respect for the self as well as others. Our own families have to eat 
and live also.

Regards to all from an overworked Ron O. The new piano's due to be 
shipped on June 25. It's tight but its happening.

Ron O
Overs Pianos
Sydney Australia

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