soundboards improving with age? or what else?

Delwin D Fandrich
Fri, 8 Jun 2001 19:42:32 -0700

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  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Richard Brekne=20
  Sent: June 08, 2001 12:18 PM
  Subject: Re: soundboards improving with age? or what else?

  Bucur, I might add cites the following  factors relative to changes in =
wood as it ages=20

  Chemical and physical changes over time with fluctuations of =
temperature and humidity and effects due to the playing process,  mainly =
the results of vibrations and static loading.=20

Sigh. I'm certainly glad to know that your expert agrees that changes =
take place in wood as the result of fluctuations of temperature and =
humidity and static loading. While I don't accept the notion that there =
are chemical changes taking place as a result of simple aging that will =
affect the performance of the piano--been talked about lots, never =
proven--there are certainly physical and structural changes resulting =
from static loading and from those variations in temperature and =
humidity that do.=20

You're on the right track. Don't stop now!



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