Is age a factor?

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 15:06:16 EDT

In a message dated 6/11/01 1:33:55 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< An ad in the local paper lists a Yamaha console for sale in walnut,
 "mint" condition.  Since I keep watch for pianos that I think might
 interest some of my clients, I called the seller, asking the model,
 serial number and age of the piano.  She said she didn't have the model
 or serial numbers at hand and declined to give the age, saying that for
 a better quality piano that is not a factor.  She did mention it was one
 of the last consoles made by Yamaha in Japan.
 What do you think?  Is age a factor?  I would have thought so, along
 with condition, of course.  When did Yamaha stop making consoles in
 Japan for the USA market?  I'm interested in any information or
 opinions. >>

This sounds like a piano store, and the lady is tryng to get you to come in 
and buy that, or another piano. I would certainly stay away from this deal.


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