sluggish upright jack

Clyde Hollinger
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 07:27:38 -0400

I would try the Protek CLP first.  It's quick, and if that does the trick it
is also inexpensive.  If it's only one or two jacks, it could be a broken jack
spring, but I've never had to replace a number of them due to weakness.


Eliot Lee wrote:

> Hello,
>     I had an old upright piano (Ludwig) with very sluggish jacks affecting
> repetition particularly in the high trebel.  Could this be from the coiled
> jack spring?  I lowered the capstan and eased the keys still didn't help
> much.  I noticed that there were no leads in the keys.
>     Is this a sign that the wippen or the jack should be repinned?  What
> about treating with protek?
> Thanks for the help.
> Eliot Lee

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