
Tom Dickson
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 23:32:15

Hi, All!

   I took a close look at the vacuum's exhaust a year or so ago.  I was 
called in to do some work that a client requested.

   She had received an upright piano from a relative.  In the initial 
examination, we decided that it needed a major cleaning because it had sat 
in an old farm house for awhile, and had gotten some mice inhabiting it.

   Due to the concern over Hanta Virus (spelling?), my son and I wore masks 
and goggles, and I purchased a hose from a friend in the vacuum business.  
This hose allowed us to keep the piano in the client's home, yet vent the 
exhaust outside of the home.

   The problem with vacuum exhaust is "out of site, out of mind".  However, 
we should look at what's in the exhaust.

   My two cents (Canadian), so that's like 0.03 cents US).

Tom Dickson

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