FW: Yamaha service bond

Billbrpt@AOL.COM Billbrpt@AOL.COM
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 19:12:40 EDT

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In a message dated 6/25/01 5:53:17 PM Central Daylight Time, 
ramsey@extremezone.com (Kevin E. Ramsey) writes:

> .  When I think of him "doing the right thing" without getting paid; well, I 

Well, there is an exception to the service bonds never being performed in my 
area.  It's when I did them and did them for nothing, just as you say.

I have, in fact, done business with a Yamaha dealer from Iowa and one from 
Milwaukee:  same thing each time.  They want to use that $35 Yamaha pays to 
pay for the "free" tuning and that card is just something you mindlessly 
check the boxes on and sign.  Welcome to the real world.

I don't know what the local Yamaha dealer pays its tuners but whatever it is, 
you can be sure it's not enough to cover what Yamaha really expects to be 
done.  I don't do any business with that dealer, never have, never will.  I 
don't recommend them, they don't recommend me.  It's the "K-mart" type music 
store around here.  People who really value music and their piano do not get 
one there.  The only exception has been when someone really wanted a Yamaha.  
In any of the cases I have seen, the service bond has never been done by that 
dealer's tuners.  To quote a recent customer, "That free tuning they give you 
is a joke".

I have my own customers and do independant contracting for a respectable 
dealer, one who will give a presentation in Reno:  Timothy Farley RPT.

If only all dealers could be like Tim and Roger from this list, the world 
would be a different place.  Wishing for that however would be as unrealistic 
as actually believing the hype that the Yamaha dealer from Madison wrote.

Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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