Used hammers for upright piano project

Claudia Cimenti
Tue, 07 May 2002 14:52:39 -0700


I am trying to restore a vintage upright to playing condition, for purely 
educational purposes.

I need to replace the hammers. Most hammers are worn down to the underfelt!

I was wondering if someone on this list might have a used set of upright 
hammers available that they would want to part with. I really do not want 
to spend $130+ for a brand new set of hammers for this old piano at this 
point. It would be ok if the hammers are worn, need reshaping, have no or 
broken shanks, etc, etc. The striking distance was nearly imposssible to 
even guess, but I venture it was 2 3/8 ".

Please feel fee to Email me personally at if you 
can think of something.

Thank you very much!!

PS: I hope that with this post I did not overstep the focus of this list. 
If so, please accept my apologies. /C

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