knuckle bolstering/thanks Joe Garrett

Wed, 8 May 2002 00:56:33 EDT

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I'd like to say thanks to Joe Garrett for his advice a while back on this 
list about knuckle bolstering using a darning needle and thread.  Knuckles in 
a Knabe (Nuckles in a Nabe?) that I was working on had plenty of material 
left, and the buckskin was still fine, but they were fairly misshapen; the 
jack was slapping pretty hard when it came back to rest.  Took the needle, 
and ran it through each one a couple of times, and voila, round knuckles.  
Most of the action noise disappeared!  

During the procedure, not being an expert couturier, I darned my darn finger 
more than I'd care to admit, and once with the eye end of the needle.  
Despite a few extra minutes for band-aid application to my right forefinger, 
it was quite a timesaver over a new set of knuckles!

Thanks again, Joe,

Dave Stahl

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