Everett Pianos

Stephen Airy stephenairy@fastmail.fm
Fri, 1 Nov 2002 01:38:49 UT

If ya'll (no, I'm not southern unless you count Southern CA. :P) think
Everetts are good pianos, then one I regularly play once a month must
need some work.  It's a 45" studio upright that seriously needs voicing
(very uneven - middle C is a dull thunk and F5 is extra bright, for
example) and the bass probably needs to be restrung/rescaled (the entire
bass is quieter and has an overall poor tone, especially the bottom
octave or so).  I don't have the serial #, but it has a case similar to
Baldwin Hamiltons of the 60s to 70s (except this Everett is a darker wood
(maybe mahogany but I'm not sure)).  The name isn't on the fallboard, and
I can't lift the lid (apparently it fastens on with an allen wrench, or
is locked on (it's in an institutional setting)), so the only way I know
it's an Everett is because a friend of mine who's an RPT (who afaik owns
the piano I think but am not sure) told me what it is.

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  Stephen Airy

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