Bridge Tops & Epoxy

Mike and Jane Spalding
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 07:31:23 -0600


Check out an article by Bill Spurlock from the March '92 Journal titled "Bridge Repairs for Better Tone".   I'm facing the same task as you are, same apprehension about messing up an otherwise neat bridge job with sloppy brush technique (or taking all day to do a 30 minute job).  This article has enough detailed advice to convince that it won't be that bad.  Of course, I haven't done it yet, but I will, honest.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Farrell <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 6:16 AM
Subject: Bridge Tops & Epoxy

> Task: New bridge tops or refurbished (new pins, renotch). Our preference is to set the pins in epoxy in either case. Some epoxy will ooze out the top of the bridge pin hole. You need to clean that up. That will mess up the nicely dagged top. Is painting the dag on the bridge top AFTER installing bridge pins the only way to do this? I'm such a sloppy artist  :-(    What to do?
> Terry Farrell
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