biz cards

Clyde Hollinger
Tue, 12 Nov 2002 07:37:51 -0500


Well...  uh...  A couple things could be happening here.  First, printing companies
may charge more or less in different parts of the country, just as piano
technicians do.  I'm a long way from Oregon.  Second, not all business cards are
equal.  Ads will sometimes show the price for their very cheapest cards to get you
in the store, but when you get there nicer cards are available for several times
the cost of the cheapest ones.

Then, of course, there is the convenience factor.  When I need more cards I pick up
the phone, tell them to make me 1000 more, and a week later I go and pick them up.
Easy.  What's the option?  Spending a lot of time checking around, choosing another
printing company, and taking the risk that they are cranky to work with, poor at
following instructions, goof around at getting the job done, etc.

For those who like to make their own on the home computer, fine.  It can be a hobby
that is also productive.  I'm just not interested in trying to do that.


Susan Kline wrote:

> Ten cents apiece?!? I would complain!
> At ten cents apiece, the printer ink and time to chop up sheets of cards
> would be negligible, I think. If I were printing a lot of material, like
> cards and business stationery, I would investigate a store which advertises
> on TV around here. You bring in your empty printer ink cartridges, they
> refill them on the spot, for a quite small fee.

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