S&S D Duplex

Sarah Fox sarah@gendernet.org
Sat, 16 Nov 2002 11:27:05 -0500

> Don Rose posed some good questions. I would also be curious about
responses to those.

Yes, and I had already raised most of those questions myself in the
beginning... <sigh>

I was curious to read the patents to which Dan referred (126840 and
5736660 ).  I found the following web site for the US Patent Office:


There is a search engine that quickly takes one to the relevant patents.
The more modern patents (e.g. Dan's) have text content online.  The older
ones are graphic format only (i.e. graphics of both text and
drawings/photos).  Unfortunately I can't access the QuickTime images with
any of my computers, leading me to believe the problem is on the end of the
patent office.  Can anyone else access these images?

Is there some alternate location where I can view these patents?

I look forward to reading the text info on Dan's patent (sans illustrations)
once I have a bit more time.

For all it's worth, I think it's sad the way some people are going for Dan's
throat.  (Of course I admit I don't know any of the history here.)  The
major difference between Dan and the other RPTs on the list is that he is
selling a product to you RPTs, rather than to the end consumer, just like
the printing offices from which you buy your business cards.  Any RPT who
resents his commercialism should reflect hard on that fact.  IMO, he's
trying to make a living just like all of you, and there's nothing wrong with
that.  There's also nothing wrong with an RPT opting not to buy his tools
and to "do it yourself" -- or opt not to do it at all.  As Dan said, there's
always the time-honored hammer and screwdriver method.


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