I need some advice

brixu brixu@free.fr
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 09:50:27 +0100

I am but a musician and although I try to follow most of your discussions, I
am very often lost in all the wonderful technical expertise being shared.
My question is of a more personal nature and I hope not to infringe the
list's permitted topics.
I have a 1917 Bechstein B model which will be needing its first overhaul
since it was manufactured. This will concern mainly the hammers, the damper
felts and the strings, for the rest seems to be in a pretty good condition
according to my local piano technician. I would really like any changes to
be as faithful as possible to the original product, for the simple reason
that even as it is, this is one of the pianos I have enjoyed playing most.
It seems to fit me best. My local tuner seems to be very hesitant about
this. I understand that for him, a piano is a piano and you can get the same
good result on "any" piano. I would not discuus his know-how whch I am sure
is technically far superior to mine, but I have so often played on
excellently restored old Bechsteins which do not have the same
finger-ear-tone relationship that I find on mine. They actually sound and
feel like any other well-restored more recent piano (not that this is a bad
thing, of course, but I do want the Bechstein to retain its character).
Is this "faithful" overhaul possible at all?

Thank you

brian schembri

p.s. Does anyone know who in France (Paris region) would be likely to do a
good job or where can I ask this question in case your list does not permit
such requests. (Answers can be posted to my personal address :

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