I need some advice

kam544@gbronline.com kam544@gbronline.com
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 09:17:00 -0600

>... I would really like any changes to
>be as faithful as possible to the original product, for the simple reason
>that even as it is, this is one of the pianos I have enjoyed playing most.
>It seems to fit me best... brian schembri

Dear Mr. Schembri,

Some of my thoughts:

It can be done, but it is going to take an extremely sensitive, 
experienced, knowledgeable person to replace just even the hammers 
and have it still retain the character you sense, and still be the 
piano you enjoy playing most.

And once having embarked on the change, if you're not satisfied, 
going back to the way it was will be well nigh impossible.

Just my recommendation and opinion now, but be certain you are 
unhappy with the way your piano performs before making changes to it 
that might make you really unhappy.


Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

PS - Personally, I have no knowledge of technicians in France to 
assist you. Others on this the Pianotech list might.

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