WAY OT : Do you have any understanding of my rights as anAmericancitizen?

A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 05:12:36 EST

Susan asks: 
> What happens to people who evolved 
>(uh-oh, there's another hot word) for millennia to live in small groups
> almost without artificial light, eating mainly unprocessed food which was
> in short supply for much of the year, and walking around a lot in the 
>normal course of finding it ... [stop for breath] when they now have bright
> 18 hour daylengths year around, drive everywhere, watch TV and listen to
> the radio constantly, are exposed to crowds of strangers all the time,
>and  eat processed, dense food full of substances which didn't even exist a
>few  years ago?

They happily listen to equal temperament...
Ed Foote RPT

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