WAY OT : Do you have any understanding of my rights as anAmericancitizen?

Avery Todd avery@ev1.net
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 17:58:11 -0600

Hi Susan,

The far right wing fundamentalists make me sorry that I grew up as a
Southern Baptist. Thankfully, there's an alternative now!


At 07:27 PM 11/20/02 -0800, you wrote:
>At 09:15 PM 11/20/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>>Now it seems someone is advocating the murder of U.S. Senators. I'm 
>>sitting here wondering just what to say. I'm shocked to grossly understate.
>I was shocked by that, as well. If it was a joke, it was in singularly bad 
>taste. I watched Sen. Daschle getting interviewed on C-Span today, and he 
>said that whenever certain issues come up, and the radio talk-show 
>right-wing people get rolling with it, the number of direct physical 
>threats he and his family receive skyrocket. He says that the problem is 
>that people are using politics as entertainment, and when the commentators 
>get so emotional about it, people feel the need to actually do something 
>violent about it.
>If people get enough reinforcement for this right-wing outrage, they start 
>believing that it is normal (or even "American") to feel this violent 
>about politics, and to physically threaten people because of it.

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