Closing my shop! Items for sale.. (I will Newton's help and friendship)

Richard Oliver Snelson
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 11:38:14 -0600

I will sure miss Newton. He was here to stay with me a couple years ago.
A good friend to all that knew him.

Due to some back problems I won't be doing any rebuilding in the future.
Not that I've done that much in the past. At 66 years old I'm going to
stick to my tuning schedule instead. I have too pianos to sell that need
blocks etc.

L&H, a very nice little grand. Has pedals that hinge up for a child to
play. Keytops are beautiful.

A 5' 8" Kimball grand. Has been refinished some time ago in a natural
honey color. Needs block and bridge re-gluing for the base bridge. Nice

I'll take $700 for the two of them. I'm located in Central Illinois so
take it from there. I do have some shop equipment to sell and will let
you know later. Mostly new stuff including Renner, Spurlock items.

Piano moving items for sale.. Metal ramp, vertical board dolly with
wheels, one dolly. All were purchase with in the last four years.

I have Newton's full set of Journals dating back to the 40's. They will
be for sale also. A wonderful collection all in binders by year. Look it
up on the CD, get the Journal in front of you too do the work.

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