Belly rail crown - Why???

Ron Nossaman
Sun, 24 Nov 2002 10:50:49 -0600

>I have more problems with clamping while gluing without having to worry 
>about making two mismatched pieces of wood conform to each other during 
>the gluing process.
>Since the bevel doesn't matter much to the performance of the board, in my 
>lame way of thinking, the bevel on the rim should match the board when it 
>is in the unstressed position. A great glue joint here seems to be essential.

Good point, but if your clamping system works moderately well, it shouldn't 
make any real difference. If the bevels are already there, why take the 
time to change them? Building a piano, why take the time to make them?

>Of course Del probably has the pneumatic sound board, (push one button, 
>come back tomorrow), clamping system that will flatten any piece of wood. 
>For the ultimate in gluing systems.
>Keith R

Or a big pile of F clamps and spacer block cauls like the rest of us. At 
least until he gets into production.

Ron N

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