pianos in the sun

Bill Ballard yardbird@pop.vermontel.net
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 21:51:09 -0500

At 11:23 AM -0600 11/25/02, kam544@gbronline.com wrote:
>>... What options are there of cover material or quilting to protect 
>>a piano from the sun? Who are the >>makers that I should contact?
>>Jim McCormac, RPT
>Instrument Covers by Jill

What you're looking for is something which you can't see the sunlight 
through. (Most quilted covers are thick enough to do that.) But you 
also want the fabric to be as white as possible, so as to reflect 
thermal energy.  That usually denies the owners the opportunity to 
make a fashion statement with the piano cover.

I've got a situation just like this. A young family inherited a 1991 
Stwy B (partial rebuild 20 years ago), an put in in their living room 
with about 100' of clear SE exposure. The same passive solar heat 
windows. The piano's just sitting waiting for one of the infants to 
start lessons. Probably by then, they'll be interested in how to take 
care of the piano.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"Never try to teach a pig to sing.
It wastes time and annoys the pig."
     ...........Sign on the wall of a college voice teacher's studio.

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