Today's Scary Schedule

Tue, 26 Nov 2002 05:54:28 -0500

Four pianos in one day?  What are you doing after lunch?

Jerry Gravina, RPT
Babylon, NY

At 07:24 AM 11/25/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Just looked at today's service schedule: Four new clients. Two spinets and 
>two old uprights. Several have keys that are "broke". All needing major 
>pitch raises.
>Best make sure I have plenty of glue, plastic elbows, sandpaper shims, and 
>what else? Oh, duct tape. Is that it? Hmmmm, maybe toss my sledge hammer 
>in the trunk?
>Wish I had slept better last night..... It was all that debate about 
>beveled belly rails and such.  :-(
>Terry Farrell
>P.S. Last week I had a two Steinway grands, a Bechstein grand, and a
>         Yamaha grand kind of day - why can't they all be like that?
>pianotech list info:

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