Enough Markup?

Avery Todd avery@ev1.net
Wed, 09 Oct 2002 17:53:48 -0500


Sounds kind of like a guy I've heard about in Beaumont, TX.
He wanted all this before he'd even tune the piano! And he's
supposedly a member of PTG. Makes me want to give it up.

He wanted:

$250.00 Pin-driving
  120.00 raise pitch-retension strings
  250.00 full dismantle-clean
  275.00 dampchaser system
  295.00 string cover
   70.00 fine tune

And that was only if he could tune the piano after moving it.
($280.00). That's directly off a copy of his invoice after
moving the piano for a customer!


At 09:55 PM 10/08/02 -0500, you wrote:
>A lady called my mother (my mom is a piano teacher) today asking her about a
>local guy who she thought might have charged her too much. Turns out that he
>had installed a new Dampp-Chaser rod in her grand. He only charged $800. Do
>you think that's enough markup and would sufficiently cover the labor? ;-)
>John M. Formsma
>Blue Mountain, MS
>pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

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