Bridge pin bit size -Phil Ford
Sat, 26 Oct 2002 00:54:21 EDT

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In a message dated 10/25/2002 9:52:21 PM Pacific Daylight Time, Erwinspiano 

             Hi Phil
>     The answer to what size drill bits for bridge pins is one size smaller 
> than whatever piano tech provides. I like there bits when the maple is hard 
> and  tight grain but not when the maple is wide and a bit softer. W.W. 
> Fuller is a company that sells any type of specialty bit you wish and they 
> have outlets in the Bay area although I've always dealt directly with the 
> factory. By the way I am trying to avoid using 6s as they want to bend over 
> more easily and sevens will give a stiffer termination. One important thing 
> about drilling is that every time the bit goes in it should not have in 
> build up in the flutes as this will enlarge the size of the hole your 
> trying to so carefully drill uniformly. I keep a piece of scrap spruce 
> handy to run the bit trough in between holes.  This particular wood is 
> amazing at cleaning out the flutes quickly. Also Spraying Mclube on the 
> pins before pounding them in also helps prevent bending them over in a 
> tight hole.
>     Regards   Dale

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