Knuckles? Why not use little rollers instead ?
Mon, 31 Mar 2003 19:25:24 EST

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In a message dated 3/31/03 5:41:51 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

> So I scrubbed away, lubed with Teflon (TM)
> powder, and it feels quite nice now.  But it made me
> wonder: Would not actual tiny rollers in place of the
> standard knuckle work much better? Out of some
> material just soft enough not to click?
>    I envisioned much less friction, no compaction,
> etc.. Has anyone ever tried this?
>   Del?
>   Thump

You need a certain amount of friction. Otherwise the jack will be be able to 
push the shank up to the string. It will slip out too fast. And besides, if 
you ahve a roller, it means another moving part that will need to be 


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