OT-Disoriented?/Bill Ballard

Bill Ballard yardbird@vermontel.net
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 05:57:18 -0500

At 9:58 PM -0800 3/31/03, Joseph Garrett wrote:
>At the moment I think I'm lucid. But, after doing the PNWC, I may be
>mistaken. If one of "those candy-colored iMac thingees", ever crossed my
>door jamb, I'd be disowned by my Son-in-law, for sure. He works for MS and
>actually gave me this 'puter. So there! ;-)

Like the bumper sticker says, "Insanity is inherited. You get it from 
your kids."

>Best Regards,


Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"People sitting at computer screens slap their foreheads and pound 
keyboards frantically. A technical support representative wearing a 
telephone headset calmly asks, 'Have you tried re-formatting your 
hard drive?' "
     ...........from "The Trade Show Talk that Wasn't" by Stephen 
Manes, NYTimes 11/18/97

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