OT ---Old Piano Plates Wanted

Richard Moody remoody@midstatesd.net
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 10:36:30 -0600

It has been discovered that certain trace elements are abundant
in some old piano plates (1890-1910).

Because of global politics an eminent shortage of these metals is
expected in the US.

These old plates could be worth $200 (picked up still in old cases
!!!)  or $1,000 if delivered clean.

I know this sounds fantastic but in checking it out, the deeper I
get the more sense it makes.   It seems the formulation of this
particular cast iron from this period saves the steel mills
enormous amounts of time by simply melting them down rather than
starting from scratch.

If the plate has a one or a four anywhere on it (usually at the
tail) it may be valuable.   If the plate has numbers that appear
alone or by themselves or in any configuration of numbers like
     x 04 x   x 01 x, they may be especially valuable.

PLEASE NOTE:  These plates will only be purchased from members of
the trade, RPTs preferred.  (there is always a catch,esp when it
appears too good to be true)  ; )

If you need further details please get in touch.

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