Relevant OT (?) was - Computer clock

Kevin E. Ramsey
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 18:57:35 -0700

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Dave, hope you get it to work, but just think of all the free "training =
updating" you're getting.=20

Once in a while, it's good for all of us to put the machines aside and =
just tune. =20

I have to admit, when I don't use the machine, I get up into that top =
octave and think;
"boy, it's sure easier with that ETD"

Hope someone can help you with your Ipaq, my friend.
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Dave Davis=20
  To: Pianotech=20
  Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 7:44 AM
  Subject: Relevant OT (?) was - Computer clock

  I, too, was jesting.  The idea of using the ETD as a
  "tool" to complement aural tuning  was firmly
  ingrained in my pea-brain during a "Hybrid Tuning"
  class taught by Mitch Kiel at the PNW Convention (the
  one Joe Garrett keeps bragging about).

  This one really hits home about now.  At the PNW
  Convention, I upgraded to Pocket RCT, bought a used
  iPAQ, and can't get the tuning program to download.

  Practicing my aural skills with a fervor,

  Dave Davis
  Renton, WA

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