Schubert Piano
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 22:30:41 -0600

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How's your Russian? Schuberts are made in Belarus.

Hey, here's some incredible piano-sales BS* from an actual piano sales ad :
"Many of the features and the materials used in the production of the
Schubert pianos are found in the world's most exclusive pianos."

Yes, that's right: The Schubert uses maple flanges, JUST LIKE " And they use
strings made of steel and copper, JUST LIKE  ."

Give me the proverbial break.

Alan Barnard
Salem, MO

*Baloney Sauce
  -----Original Message-----
  From: []On
Behalf Of Wesley Hardman
  Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 9:11 PM
  To: Pianotech
  Subject: Schubert Piano

  Does anyone know how to make contact with the manufacturer of the Schubert
piano?  Wesley Hardman, Scottsboro, Alabama

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