Leather key bushings

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Wed, 02 Apr 2003 09:19:25 +0200

Phil Ryan wrote:

> I've got a job tomorrow easing sticking keys at the front rail pin.  It
> looks like the bushings are leather.  It's a hundred (plus) year old German
> grand piano.  Is there something I should/could do differently than I
> would/should with cloth bushing?  I plan to use a bushing pliers and maybe
> some Protek.
> Phil Ryan

It's been my experience that Protek and Leather key bushings are not an optimal
comination. I would opt to polish the pins well, and coat them with Proteck,
but be sure not to let any proteck soak into the leather bushings. Seems to
develope a squeek after some use.

If the leather bushings are "glazed" from use a light brushing with a
fingernail file might be helpful, followed by a quick and light squezze with
your easing pliers.



Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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