Protek and Bridges

Richard Brekne
Wed, 02 Apr 2003 09:27:59 +0200

Hi List

A recent experience on an old beater of an August Forster has left me
wondering about the potential benifits of letting a good deal of Protek
seep into the bridge / bridge pin holes. It seems to very slightly
dampen some high end noise, and have a similar, if not quite as
pronounced, effect on the kind of falsness that CA in bridge pins
addresses so well.  In addition to the basic lubricating that Protek
would have on the string / bridgepins.

I am wondering then, given a generous dosage, what the longer term
effect on the wood itself is. It says on the product label that Protek
does not harm wood, and I am unable to find any other relevant
information about this.  Anybody have any knowledge / thoughts  on the
matter ?


Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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