bouncing hammers

Alan Forsyth
Wed, 2 Apr 2003 22:54:38 +0100

Dear Jim,
Thanks for your ingenious analysis of this problem. I think you have hit the
nail on the head! Come to think of it, I remember that I never had the
problem in the treble section and guess what, there are no dampers up there.
Also damper springs are graded according to the section; light for the
treble, medium for the middle and heavy for the bass, but the butt springs
are all the same gauge.

When I was at piano servicing college, my lecturers didn't believe me that
there was a problem saying that no one plays that softly. Of course they
were not pianists themselves neither are most of the techs in these parts.

Next time I come across the problem I shall simply remove a damper to
check/test the offending note/s without the spring tension. Amazing how such
a simple mechanism can be so complicated.

Thanks a ton for your interest.

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