Help! Setting up a new shop

Warren Fisher
Wed, 02 Apr 2003 16:09:31 -0600

Good idea Terry,
What is a "chainfall"?  How did you mount it?

Farrell wrote:

>Looks great! I'll take two! When do I get it?
>My shop is 40X22 and I WISH is was at LEAST twice as large! Gee whizz, it looks to me like you have everything.....and then some. How about a plate hoist? I'm using a chainfall mounted in the ceiling - works terrific for me - can't really imagine anything better.
>Terry Farrell
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Warren Fisher" <>
>To: "Pianotech" <>
>Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 4:02 PM
>Subject: Help! Setting up a new shop
>>Hey gang,
>>My partner and I just ordered a 40X50 foot metal building to set up a 
>>full-featured piano shop. 
Warren Fisher- RPT Retired, Navy Retired, Slidell, Louisiana 
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