tuner's knot unravelled

Farrell mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com
Wed, 2 Apr 2003 17:17:48 -0500

I use that knot all the time. Works well. I just keep a copy of the page in my tool box!

I spliced a bass string on a 1098 last week. Unfortunately, when I opened my tool box, I saw that I had left my micrometer in my shop (I was measuring center pins with it). What to do, what to do? I picked up my little Schaff-type coil lifter/string spacer tool and noticed that when I place a wire in one of the three grooves on the string spacing end, you can push the string over and make it go through the groove at an angle. A string that was nearly the same diameter as the groove in the tool would go through the groove nearly straight, and you could not make it wiggle at angles. But a very thin wire would have a lot of space around it where it passes through the groove, so you could set it at most any angle passing through the tool. So that is what I used - just grabbed a few likely candidate wires for the splice and put them in the tool groove until I found one that sat at the same angle as the bass string core wire. Made the splice - and it held! I all honesty, I was kinda surprised - I was waiting for a S-N-A-P as I was pulling it up to pitch. Anyway, when in a pinch...........

Terry Farrell
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Piannaman@aol.com>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 10:05 AM
Subject: tuner's knot unravelled

> To those with two left hands, others with many holes in their finger tips, 
> and anyone mystified by the knot in the Reblitz diagram,
> A really easy way to remember it:  
> A). you make the two loops that look basically identical, but cross on 
> opposite sides of the string/leader.  
> B).  you put the end of each string portion through the backside of the other 
> loop
> C).  give one of them a half-twist
> D).  pull
> Works for me, though I have yet to use it in a real life situation.  
> Dave Stahl

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