Help! Setting up a new shop

Warren Fisher
Wed, 02 Apr 2003 16:23:50 -0600

Thanks Joe,
Our contractor has all that covered.
What I'm in desperate need of, is how to plan the lay out the shop 
before they close up the walls in about a month, so we can make 
structural modifications if necessary. We willl have a central air 
compressor with taps in the shops and a central vacuum to suck up dust 
from the tools and a vent fan in the paint booth. The problem is, I have 
never worked in a serious rebuilding shop and can't visualize how it 
should be arranged.  I had two fast trips through the Baldwin plant 
years ago, but I don't think that is going to help much.
Thanks again,

Joseph Garrett wrote:

>Three things come immediately to mind. 1. Insulation 2.proper
>heating/cooling/humidity control. 3. Adequate/proper lighting.
>Best regards,
>Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)
>Been There, Didn't Like It, So I'm Here To Stay! [G}
>pianotech list info:

Warren Fisher- RPT Retired, Navy Retired, Slidell, Louisiana 
Titanium User group:
Travel Club:
98 2500 Dodge CTD, Auto, SRW, 410, BD EB, Autolock, Pressure lock, 
Temp Guage, Mag-Hytec DD, BD aux ATF fluid cooler [fan]
02 Titanium fiver 28E33, Solar, 2000 watt inverter/charger, AGM batteries,
Fantastic, slide awning, Honda 5000 gen-set.
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