Help! Setting up a new shop/Warren Fisher

Warren Fisher
Wed, 02 Apr 2003 17:24:54 -0600

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The hall by the garage is on a different central unit.  The power tool 
room is there to contain the dust from the machines and keep it out of 
the General storage area where finished pianos will be stored before 
delivery and to a lesser amount out of the main workshop.  We will close 
the doors when the machines are running. The plan is 8 foot ceilings. We 
can go to ten feet if necessary.  The fans can be a godsend on muggy hot 
days in this area.  I'll show this to my partner.

Farrell wrote:

>What percentage of time is spent on tuning when rebuilding a piano? I would have more concern for jamming a key slip or a big piece of wood you are cutting into the fan. Are these like twenty foot ceilings? That would be my concern with the fans.
>One other thought that came to my mind was to make the shop a bit more open (keeping in mind that I am NO shop design expert). Like perhaps the wall between the power tools and the garage - maybe you would have more freedom of movement if it were not there? Just a thought.
>Otherwise, I am simply big-time jealous!
>Terry Farrell
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Joseph Garrett" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 5:27 PM
>Subject: Help! Setting up a new shop/Warren Fisher
>>Looks nice, (once I found it in the archives.<G>) One question: what's with
>>all of the ceiling fans? Not appropriate for piano shop. They create the
>>"Doppler effect". Will really screw ya up when tuning.
>>Best Regards,
>>Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)
>>Been There, Didn't Like It, So I'm Here To Stay! [G}
>>pianotech list info:
>pianotech list info:

Warren Fisher- RPT Retired, Navy Retired, Slidell, Louisiana 
Titanium User group:
Travel Club:
98 2500 Dodge CTD, Auto, SRW, 410, BD EB, Autolock, Pressure lock, 
Temp Guage, Mag-Hytec DD, BD aux ATF fluid cooler [fan]
02 Titanium fiver 28E33, Solar, 2000 watt inverter/charger, AGM batteries,
Fantastic, slide awning, Honda 5000 gen-set.
"On the road again!!"

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