Help! Setting up a new shop

Robert Goodale
Wed, 2 Apr 2003 17:19:22 -0800

Hey, congrats!

We are currently under construction of our new shop right now.  We are
paying cash for everything as we go so progress is slow.  Not because of
construction but rather we build as the money comes in.  We have just about
enough to finish so we hope to get into high gear on it as soon as possible.

We went through a long and painful process to build this shop exactly how a
piano shop should be.  We consulted and visited other shops, then hired an
architect.  After several design changes we have ended up with a 2,000 Sq.
Ft. building, (32 X 62.5), designed specifically with future expansion in
mind.  We went through all case scenarios to work out any foreseeable
problems.  Then we hired a structural engineer to work out all the details.

Our final design as it is now being built is as follows:
1. 10' ceilings
2.  Skylights galore for lots of natural light.
3.  Ditto on double glazed windows.
4.  12 x 9 roll up door for moving pianos in and out.
5.  6 inch walls for R-19 insulation.
5.  4:5 pitch trusses with plenty of attic space above the ceiling for R-30
insulation.  Room for storage as well.
6.  12 x 12 office accessible with a second door leading outside.
7.  12 x 16 room for action rebuilding, (keeps the saw dust away from your
new action parts)
8.  Restroom.
9.  Trusses reinforced to support a hoist.
10.  200 amp panel with numerous 110v. and 220v. outlets throughout the
11.  High efficiency lighting, half of which can be turned off to save
electricity when the sun lights up the shop via the skylights and windows.
12.  Air compressor and central machine vacuum system plumbed throughout the
shop.  These are located outside the shop to eliminate the noise.
13.  Ceiling fans, (cuts down on utilities).
14.  Utility sink.
15.  Prewired for multiple phone lines, internet, and of course our
satellite dish, (ya baby!)

Oh... and the most important part, our dog "Joplin Rags" paw prints now
firmly embedded in the concrete floor!

These are the basics.  The exterior of the structure is entirely designed to
match the house perfectly.

> Hey gang,
> My partner and I just ordered a 40X50 foot metal building to set up a
> full-featured piano shop.  The building plan is attached.  In the next
> week or so we will be printing out all your words of wisdom in the
> archives on the subject, but we would appreciate any suggestions that
> occur to you now. We have only done sporatic rebuilding up to now, but
> have turned down a lot of work due to lack of time.  We plan to do
> considerably more in the future.  Any comments will be greatly
> Thanks,
> Warren Fisher



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