Removing paint from the woodwork.

Conrad Hoffsommer
Thu, 03 Apr 2003 04:24:14 -0600


At 04:25 04/03/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>I have a small grand in my shop that has been painted white, with a roller
>and brush..The piano will be going through a metamorphosis, and it belongs
>to me, not a client...hey, I got it for nothing!
>I'm looking for suggestions to best remove this lovely color from this


Why remove the color?  Just get some bathtub stars (non-skid thingies) and 
apply liberally.  Then sell it to a nursery school/kindergarten...  or 
nursing home ... or eBay...  ;-}

Sorry I can't be of any real help, but the last time I did it was so long 
ago that the stuff I used then is probably no longer available.

At least you have a shop with great ventilation.  You'll probably need it!

Conrad Hoffsommer
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