Slow Console Action

Clark A Sprague
Thu, 3 Apr 2003 08:09:01 -0500

Terry,  I recently came across one of these thingees in the store.  It
went to a customer's house, and came back when I couldn't make it work
right.  I was going over it again before it went to yet another
customer's house, when it came to my little brain, You're looking for one
thing, when maybe it's a bunch of little things adding up.  I had put the
weights on the back of the keys, eased the keys front and center, lubed
the flanges, (all of the flanges), and could not figure out what it was.
        Turns out the felts were all indented big time ( the hammer
butts, the whippen heels, the damper levers), and the damper spoons were
corroded, and "catching" in the dents on the damper lever felts.  Add
that to the friction everywhere else, and the key balance issue, and the
thing would not work.  Took care of those things,  (admittedly in a lube
and polish way) and the thing works!  Also, had weak jack springs, with
the jacks catching on the dents in the felt that was used on the hammer
Clark Sprague,RPT

> To: "Pianotech" <>
> Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 6:37 AM
> Subject: Re: Slow Console Action

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