Removing paint from the woodwork.
Thu, 3 Apr 2003 12:07:59 EST

In a message dated 03/04/03 4:26:30 AM, writes:

<< I have a small grand in my shop that has been painted white, with a roller
and brush.. >> it vinyl latex paint?? if so than it won't be a problem...should 
just wash off with whatever your choice of remover is. If it is oil based 
color than it will be more of a problem but not needfully so.  an oil based 
finish can be removed by doing so in layers..... wet an area then scrape, 
etc......... the more color that you can remove before the old finish is 
removed the less that will end up in the wood grain....finish removal with a 
final wash coat of remover and a brass Anacanapanasan biristle brush to 
remove any pigment which has washed in to the grain........if you are gonna 
have an ebony finish on the final product don't woorry too much about the 
current color...
Jim Bryant (FL)

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