False beats

Alan Forsyth alanforsyth@fortune4.fsnet.co.uk
Fri, 4 Apr 2003 21:51:02 +0100

"Lurked your message, and curious what M.I.T says.
The others I'm familiar with."

Carl / Winnipeg

MIT     ( Musical Instrument Technician)
BTW    ( British Technical Wizard)
IMHO   ( I Mostly Hate Overdampers)
FWIW   ( Fellow of the World Institute of Wa.........well you know !)

Question; I wonder whether other professions have similar lists to the
Pianotech List. I can imagine a Medical List ; "I have a patient who is
highly strung with stiff joints and whose heart has false beats and
generally has a lousy temperament" A reply is sent - "have you tried a Dampp

Alan Forsyth

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