Slow Console Action

Dave Nereson
Fri, 4 Apr 2003 01:25:51 -0700

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  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Farrell=20
  Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 3:06 PM
  Subject: Slow Console Action

  Not really slow, but rather when you lift your finger up off a key =
slowly, the jack will not slide under the hammer butt. I believe this to =
be a somewhat common problem on these little pianos. This one is a =
1960ish Kohler & Campbell console. Clearly, the key is front weighted =
enough that the wippen is not able to return the key to resting position =
fully and thus let the jack slip under the butt. I lubed the action =
liberally with Protek and eased all the keys - got everything as loose =
as I reasonably could - the jacks still get stuck when lifting off the =
note slowly.

  I suppose the jack springs could be a bit on the weak side. On a well =
designed and manufactured vertical piano in good condition, should the =
weight of the wippen be sufficient to push the rear of the key down to =
rest on the backrail felt? I should think so.

  Have I missed anything? Any recommendations?
  Terry Farrell
  pianotech list info:

      There are some verticals that require more lost motion than we =
normally consider acceptable.  This is usually because the curve of the =
butt leather is not correct to allow the jack to get all the way back =
under unless the blow distance is set too short, or at least shortER.   =
I used to run into several brands where I'd say, "Oh, man, there's too =
much lost motion -- gotta regulate these capstans."  Which I would do, =
then find out I had to turn them all back down because the jacks =
wouldn't return.
      Reasons keys won't return all the way have been mentioned in other =
replies -- mainly "cupped" key button bushings or fronts of keys that =
are too heavy.  There are many little pianos where occasionally you have =
to add a weight right behind the key button just to help the wippen get =
that key all the way back up.  Wood dries, absorbs, loses moisture, =
weights and friction change.  Might've been OK at the factory, but now, =
40 years later, .....
      --David Nereson, RPT, Denver =20

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