Agraffe reaming

Susan Kline
Sun, 06 Apr 2003 11:10:57 -0700

At 07:08 PM 4/5/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>That's the point. If you're re-using the original agraffes, and they were 
>lined up when you took them out to ream them, how is it possible to not 
>have them go back in the same threaded hole without lining up just like 
>they were before they were taken out? There wouldn't be any need to shim 
>or trim.
>Ron N

Perhaps if you've reamed out the hole enough on some and not on others, so 
the strings
wouldn't line up anymore? Then you'd need to shim the less-reamed ones, so 
that even if the tops of the agraffes weren't totally level, the strings 
would be?


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