Fwd: FW: PTBiz Suggestions

HazenBannister@cs.com HazenBannister@cs.com
Sun, 6 Apr 2003 17:02:37 EDT

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In a message dated 04/06/2003 4:42:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
ewinslow@PTBiz.com writes: 
> Hazen,
> A lot depends on whether Schaff will sell PTBiz for me. Right now I'm
> trying to figure out how to  make enough money with the current version
> to pay for the development of a new IPAQ version.
I had emailed Ed Winslow about a pocketpc version of ptbiz,and this is his 
reply(above).I was wondering how the best approach to Schaff would be,on his 
behalf,maybe a reply from users?I would love to see support for this 
product,as I think it's great that someone has written a program,(and a good 
one)just for piano technicians ONLY.I am not on the PTBiz payroll,but only 
hope this program can continue to be updated,as it makes the part of this 
buisness I don't enjoy,a little easier.
Hazen Bannister

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From: "Ed Winslow" <ewinslow@PTBiz.com>
Subject: FW: PTBiz Suggestions
Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2003 15:47:52 -0500
Size: 2222
Url: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/pianotech.php/attachments/b9/cd/77/6c/attachment.eml

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