far bridge pin

Tvak@aol.com Tvak@aol.com
Mon, 7 Apr 2003 08:53:49 EDT

In a message dated 4/6/03 11:05:02 AM, RNossaman@cox.net writes:

>Aside from the likelihood that seating strings in the field doesn't provide
>a solid termination point for the speaking length

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by 'in the field'?

> I'd say you have been largely wasting your time 
>seating the strings on the speaking side too.

So, if I understand this correctly, you don't believe that seating strings to 
the bridge has any effect on false beats?  I thought this part of my 
post/question was pretty much standard procedure, but maybe I'm confused...

I'd swear that seating strings to the bridge has had an effect on the 
falseness of strings, but maybe I've been experiencing the 'placebo effect'.

Same thing with tapping the bridge pins in deeper...  I had never done this 
before, but tried it on the advice of a local RPT.  The difference was like 
night and day.  The tone was SO much cleaner with less pitch variation over 
time.  My ETD visually confirmed this.  

My question was whether anyone thought that the far bridge pins really have 
any effect on false beats, whether seating string to them, or tapping them 
in.  The speaking side pins certainly do, IMHO.

Am I confused?

Tom S

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