OT Re: Pianos In Iraq

Bill Ballard yardbird@vermontel.net
Mon, 7 Apr 2003 23:06:38 -0400

At 11:07 AM -0400 4/7/03, Wimblees@aol.com wrote:
>This got me to thinking. How wonder many pianos there are in 
>Baghdad, and if there is a need for piano tuner/technicians? Any one 
>want to volunteer to go over there after the war is over and set up 

I'd do it, assuming the country was safe again. This is an idea 
similar to "Tune-a-Piana-in-Havana". The Iraqui people are definitely 
very worthy candidates for the healing power of pianos, sweetly tuned 
and voiced. That plus the restoration of the Fertile Crescent's 

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"All it takes is running your hands across the black granite at the 
Vietnam Memorial to understand what mistakes do
     ........... Sen. Lincoln Chaffee, Senate Foreign Relations Comm., 9/26/02

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