Upweight Maximums

Bill Ballard yardbird@vermontel.net
Tue, 8 Apr 2003 09:53:50 -0400

At 9:25 AM +0200 4/8/03, Richard Brekne wrote:
>It does lean heavily towards LHTR, tho Ed does
>not speak of such high Up Weights unless I am mistaken.

Whether or not it's a part of his speaking or thinking, it's a 
consequence of his set-up.

>What might be helpfull is attempting to define action configurations 
>with regard to
>the already mentioned contributing factors, that result in these kinds of
>definitions of action performance. Something beyond the simple SW Ratio value

I agree fully. Now that David has provided us with a comprehensive 
language for describing the arrangement of weight and leverage, we 
have standard descriptions which can be correlated to the subjective 
descriptions of pianists.

>Well... its just that recent realizations have shown me that the SW Ratio is a
>different puppy then other ratio measureing conventions, in as much 
>as it yeilds a
>different value.

I'm well aware of your explorations on this matter, and very much in 
favor of such the Grand Unification you seek. For the time being, 
although David's weight-based leverage measurements may not be toeing 
the line with all the other puppies at obedience school (and may have 
a few more fleas), when it comes to setting up an action, I'll stick 
with a weight-based puppy.

>That being said... if you LIKE being slapped... hehe.. I am sure we 
>can oblige more

I've engaged a personal trainer who comes in on Wednesday evenings 
for just that. When it comes to getting slapped around, bricks & 
mortar beat out cyber-text any day. <g>

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"Yeah!, let's do it. I'm pumped! Let the healing begin."
     ...........Matt Damon in the psychiatrist's office, in "Good Will Hunting"

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